These pages are going to be a constant work in progress.  They will show
me, Just Nikki, so you can see I'm really just a normal person!!!
In another year, I will be finished with college and will have my degree in
Government and International Politics.......the best is yet to come!!!
So check out all the fun times I have and keep checking back as I will try to
update this page as much as I can!!!
I am a die hard rocker who loves heavy metal and hair bands!! Because of
the work that I have done, I was very honored to meet Bret Michaels of
Poison back in 2001 and have been friends with him ever since!! I thought
it was important to keep the 2001 page first! The newer pics are on the
pages following the original!! Click the Poison logo above to see all of my
pics with Bret and everyone else!!
Yes, it's true......I was named after Nikki Sixx the bassist for Motley Crue
and I got to meet him too!! Click on the Motley Crue logo to see the pics
of Nikki with Nikki!!!
I've got a lot of pics up of Just Nikki!!!
Click the Nikki logo above for the picture pages!!
I've had some really great graphics made for me and wanted to display
them!!! Click the "GRAPHICS" link above!!
Click here to view the older Just Nikki page!