Captain Michael Scott Speicher needs to be brought home NOW!!  With your help, Washington D.C. will hear us!!!
If you have already signed the online petition that I have started to demand the return of Captain Michael Scott Speicher, thank you very much! If you have not, please do so now!! Pass this petition on to everyone that you know!!  He cannot wait any longer!! If you would like a "paper" petition to mail back, please click the stamp below & just send me an email and we will get one to you ASAP!!
Below are some links to websites with
current updates, information, etc. on Scott...
Friends Working To Free Scott Speicher are the friends
and classmates of Scott's who are working to bring him home. Click on the banner to visit their site.
The site below has a detailed time-line of the events leading to Scott Speicher
being listed as KIA, then MIA and now POW!
The site below is a beautiful tribute to Scott Speicher and has pictures, graphics,
almost every news article written and up-to-date information about Scott.
Click here to visit that site

I will continue this mission until every American is demanding that he be brought home!! If any of our troops in Afghanistan become a POW or MIA, what will happen to them?? Will they be abandoned and forgotten too?? We cannot let this happen again!
Your one signature can make a difference!
These are the children of
Michael Scott Speicher,
Meghan and Michael.

They're my age now...
and have grown up not
knowing their father!
To view photos of my visits  to Cmdr. Speicher's grave in Arlington Natl. Cemetery
please go to the
next page